Twitter and Madonna’s New Album
From Guy Oseary’s Twitter:
“Madonna Had An Amazing Day In The Studio”
From William Orbit’s Twitter:
“Mixing tracks, surrounded by cats, and Laurie Mayer’s tortoise Monte”
Rosie O’Donnell Says Pierce Morgan Banned Madonna For No Reason
Almost ten years after The Rosie O’Donnell Show ended (1996-2002) and three years after she left The View,Rosie O’Donnell is making her return to television. She chatted with Access Hollywood on the set of her new “The Rosie Show”, in Chicago, where she gave her opinion on Piers Morgan banning Madonna from his show…
“Yes I’ve banned Piers Morgan.
He banned Madonna for no reason when his show started, so I’m banning Piers Morgan!
I don’t have anybody banned, but if I have to make a list, he’s on it.”
Watch the Rosie Show trailer…
Dennis Rodman Talks Madonna
With his new statement, Dennis Rodman proves the whole Older-and-Wiser Hypothesis isn’t just for everybody!
He recently gave an interview to the Huffington Post and shared for the zillion time, stories about his relationships with Madonna…
Rodman: “I’m like, whatever, great … hooking up with Madonna, but I thought her music sucked! … Obviously, I could have married her…”
Question: “She was interested in marrying you?”
Rodman: “Oh, yeah!”
Yehuda Berg on Kabbalah and Madonna
Henrique Cymerman interviewed Yehuda Berg, an expert in Kabbalah and a Madonna’s rabbi, for Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.
During the interview he talks about the first day Madonna came to his class 14 years ago…
“I confess that when I saw her enter the Kabbalah classroom for the first time and down with the students as one, I was shocked.
I recognized her immediatly, because her “True Blue” album was one of my favourites when I was young.
After the first 15 minutes of surprise, it became completely natural.
Since then, she attends the Los Angeles center regularly and has also been a few times, as a student, to the center in Tel Aviv.”
Madonna Featured in an Exhibition in London
The first exhibition in Britain of work by the legendary paparazzo Ron Galella runs from September 14th to October 1st, 2011, including photos of a young Madonna. The 80-year-old has been hailed as “the godfather of American paparazzi culture” and earned a reputation for controversy during his career photographing the rich and famous.
Have a look at one of the pictures…
Material Girl’s First Birthday
Material Girl is about to celebrate its very first birthday with Lola & Kelly Osbourne on September 20th, 2011.
Madonna Goes Danish
During the film festival in Venice, last week, Madonna was spotted several times wearing Danish design.
Her black, tight-fitting lace gown has been designed by New York based designer Camilla Stærk with a thin gold ring by Sophie Bille Brahe, the simple Rue du Triple Diamond ring in 18 carat gold.
A Book on How Madonna and Michael Jackson Met in L.A.
According to the Daily Mail, Craig Brown’s latest book “One On One”, is based totally on fact.
In one of his stories – that seriously looks more like fiction than fact to us – he picks how Madonna and Michael Jackson met at The Ivy Restaurant In L.A., in 1991.
“The Ivy” restaurant, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, March 15th, 1991.
Wondering who might be sufficiently glamorous to accompany her to the Academy Awards, Madonna has a brainwave.
“How about Michael Jackson? Oh my God, what a great idea!”, she exclaims to her manager, who immediately arranges a preliminary dinner at “The Ivy” for the two biggest-selling stars in the world.In the past, Jackson has been puzzled by Madonna.
Though he is an astute businessman, he can’t fathom her appeal.
“What is it about her? She’s not a great dancer or singer.”Two years ago, he was somewhat put out to discover that she was being advertised by “Warner Brothers” as the “Artist Of The Decade”.
“It makes me look bad”, he explained.
“I’m the artist of the decade, aren’t I? Did she out-sell Thriller? No, she did not.”At their table at “The Ivy”, Madonna wears a black jacket and hot pants with lacy stockings.
Around her neck hangs a crucifix.
Jackson is wearing black jeans, a red shirt and matching jacket, topped off with a fedora.
He keeps his dark glasses on.
“I’m sitting there, you know, trying to be nice. And the next thing I know, she reaches over and takes my glasses off?…? And then she throws them across the room and breaks them. I was shocked.”
“I’m your date now”, she told me.
“And I hate it when I can’t see a man’s eyes.”As the dinner progresses, Madonna thinks she has spotted Michael taking a crafty peek at her breasts.
Grinning, she snatches his hand and places it upon them.
Jackson recoils.
When all is said and done, this is not his style.
But Madonna is not the kind of person to take no for an answer; later during their dinner, she saucily drops a piece of bread down her cleavage, then fishes it out and pops it into her mouth.
The effect on Jackson is one of instant queasiness.Their exploratory dinner cannot, therefore, be judged a great success, but at least it is not so disastrous as to derail their joint entrance at the “Academy Awards” ceremony.
They cut a dash together: Jackson in a white-sequinned suit with a large diamond brooch, plus gloves and gold-tipped cowboy boots, Madonna in a skintight low-cut gown, also white-sequinned, and $20?million worth of jewels.
Afterwards, they go to Swifty Lazar’s annual Oscar night party at “Spago”.
Once inside, it is not long before Madonna drifts towards her former lover Warren Beatty, leaving Jackson all alone.
He is rescued by his old friend Diana Ross.
“Well, I just don’t understand it, Michael”, Ross says loudly.
“I mean, she’s supposed to be with you, isn’t she? So, what is she doing with him?”
“I don’t know,’ whispers Jackson. “I guess she likes him better.”
“Well, I think she’s an awful woman”, says Diana Ross, reassuringly.
“Tacky dress, too.”
The Morgenthal Frederics “Epic” Sunglasses
During the 2011 Venice Film Festival, Madonna was wearing Morgenthal Frederics “Epic” Sunglasses in almost every occasion.
Madonnarama has been contacted by Marissa Mota from Morgenthal Frederics to inform us that the company is having a contest on facebook where they will be giving out free sunglasses and prescription glasses to one lucky winner !
The Morgenthal Frederics Epic is $450 and is available at high end boutiques nationwide. Other fans of Morgenthal Frederics include Madonna’s daughter Lourdes (who wears a different style than mom!), Jessica Biel, Jay Z, Alber Elbaz (designer of Lanvin) and many others.
For more details go to Morgenthal Frederics’ facebook page!
A Stadium in Paris Booked for Show(s) Next September
French Magazine Paris Match says Madonna has booked “Le Stade de France” in Paris, for next september.
To be confirmed…
Gay Rights on Like a Prayer
Gay rights activists protested Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann’s appearance at the “California Republican Party Convention” Friday by staging a flash mob-style dance routine on Madonna’s song “Like a Prayer”, sung by Mad’House (?!!?).
The song was chosen to call attention to the Minnesota congresswoman’s anti-gay rhetoric and the controversial therapy methods reportedly practiced at the Christian counseling clinic she and her husband own, according to the “Courage Campaign”.
Watch a clip of the start of the five-minute ‘flash mob’…
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!