In the September issue of Vanity Fair, Taylor Swift explains why it really bothered her that blogs pitted her star-studded video for “Bad Blood” against Madonna’s “Bitch, I’m Madonna”…
I felt so much resentment that they would take two women who made ambitious music videos and use that as a qualifying factor to comparing and contrasting them.
I hated that because Madonna and I have gotten along and been fans of each other and performed together [at the iHeartRadio Awards in March], and I didn’t want to see that, and there was nothing I could do, and there’s nothing she could do, because that’s the way the world works right now.
As if to make clear that there is no animosity between them, Taylor Swift talks about the extremely cordial interactions she had with Madonna backstage before the iHeartRadio Awards performance…
She put jewelry on me before we went onstage.
When I went into her dressing room, I complimented this candle and this diffuser she had, because her dressing room smelled like a magical woodland forest.
A week later, I get this box in the mail, and she had sent me the same diffuser, and all these essential oils, and the exact candle I had complimented.
Madonna and I will collaborate again and then [the media] will realize there was no weird tension or competitive factor.
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