Lourdes vs. Madonna
Madonna’s daughter Lourdes wants to change the colour of her locks to blue and Madonna seems to disaprove. She wrote on her blog…
“I don’t know if any of you saw my hair yet but its mad dark right at the moment. I’m almost sick of it and now I want royal blue hair but not a streak, like my entire head. I’m sure if I get that hair color I’ll be sick of it after about two weeks
I read this blog aloud to my mother and she is sitting here staring at me with no expression on her face, as if she doesn’t approve of it! So now you all know what I have had to put up with for the past 14 years of my life :D. (sic).”
Ciara: Madonna as an example
R&B singer Ciara recently mentioned Madonna in an interview to the Associated Press to justify the fact that her recent albums have been major flops…
“Artists that I have loved and admired, who have had a long career, have not had every record or song or video that was always the right choice. If you can walk away from your career and are successful touring, you’ll always be straight. Artists like Madonna have been doing it for years. She may put out one single, do a tour and gross over $200 million”
Mayumi Nishimura talks about her cookbook
After working for seven years as Madonna’s macrobiotic cook, Mayumi Nishimura is back in Japan with her book, Mayumi’s Kitchen. She mentionned Madonna in an interview for Reuters…
“Thankfully Madonna just let me do what I know.”
HMV stores in the UK and Canada are selling Celebration Mugs and Celebration Fridge Magnet!
New French Fanzine Spotlight
Spotlight issue #48 is out…
Books, Malawi, Fitness, W.E. and an interview with a psychologist are featured on this issue.
Perez Hilton has it wrong
Dumb blind blogger Perez Hilton recently pretended to have discovered a true vintage moment with a video of Madonna dancing for Patrick Hernander. Only problem is it’s not Madonna dancing in the video…
Sandra Bernhard: Madonna is a friend for life
Sandra Bernhard has said that she still considers Madonna as a friend. She told new LGBT networking site dot429…
“I didn’t sleep with Madonna. We were pulling everybody’s chains, creating a media frenzy. We were friends. We don’t speak anymore. I keep my friends my whole life, but Madonna feels differently. I’m not sure how involved she is with these young boys. She has four kids at home.”
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