Former Smiths frontman 52-year-old Steven Patrick Morrissey slams Madonna in an interview with Billboard.
He challenges her to be a bit more like the legendary Edith Piaf and gives her quite an unflattering nickname, when the question was really about Lady Gaga…
Billboard: What is your take on what’s happening in the music world today? There are dramatic figures like Lady Gaga reigning in pop music, but do you think it’s anything new or different from what you’ve seen throughout your tenure in this world?
Morrissey: I say without bitterness that it is nothing new. I like the idea of women who are in full control, but I am tired of seeing singers who cannot deliver a song without the aide of seven hundred and fifty frenzied dancers assuming the erotic. It is actually fraudulent, and the exact opposite of erotic. Edith Piaf was seven inches high, always wore a modest black dress, and sang without stage sets or lights, and her voice roared above the wind, with the most incredible powers of communication. I’d like to see McDonna [Madonna] attempt that.
During one of his recent concert, Jon Bon Jovi actually gave the right answer to the question asked to Morrissey.
He said…
“The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Before there was a Lady Gaga, there was Madonna.”
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