Marie Claire’s Sergio Kletnoy, who has his own column on Daily Front Row, attended the Golden Globes after party at Trader Vic’s hosted by Marie Claire and Harvey Weinstein.
He even got the chance to have a quick talk with Madonna herself…
Madonna: Hi. [extends hand] I’m Madonna.
Sergio Kletnoy: [stammering] I can’t. I really can’t.
Madonna: You can’t what?
Sergio Kletnoy: You have to see this. [Whip out my iPhone to show her my screensaver—an iconic image of her circa 1990.]
Madonna: [smiles] Wow. That’s a long time ago.
He also took a photo with her, but Madonna needed to approve them!
Before running off, he quickly told her…
Sergio Kletnoy: By the way, Guy knows who I am. I’ve run into him wearing tees with your face on them.
Madonna: Good! You should be wearing my face on your tees every day.
Read the full story, including many details and pictures at Daily Front Row.
Hard Candy Music attended the W.E. premiere at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York.
After chatting with the cast and crew, Madonna arrived and they swiftly asked her a question…
How would you describe this new era of music?
Madonna: The era of LUV…okay?
For more details and pictures, go visit Hard Candy Music!
Matthew Rettenmund, from Boy Culture, was also at the W.E. premiere at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York.
When Madonna walked by, he asked her…
Why was it important for Wally and Wallis in the film?
Madonna: Because women need to help each other.
Have a look at this incredible video, courtesy of Boy Culture!
More pictures, videos, details and more details at Boy Culture!
Bradley Stern from MuuMuse attended the event at the Ziegfield Theatre and filmed a few parts from Madonna’s opening speech…
He also asks himself…
One of your biggest idols–if not THE biggest (remember–Britney‘s my favorite, but Madonna is The Queen), just sashayed past you, delivered a speech no more than 10 or 15 feet away, broke into tears, and then glided away into a sea of flashing lights. What do you do when the lights dim and the film reel begins to spin?
The answer and more at MuuMuse.com
Pink is the New Blog also headed uptown to the Ziegfeld Theater for the screening of Madonna’s directorial debut, W.E.
More on their rainy, but incredible night at Pink is the New Blog
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!