Producers and collaborators of Madonna’s MDNA album took to Twitter and Facebook this week to talk about a lot of things…
Here’s an overview…
William Orbit (@WilliamOrbit & Facebook)
I’ve seen some posts here questioning the promotional strategy for MDMA. I’m not involved in any marketing , and I’m no expert, but I must say that from my observations, it’s working brilliantly. Given the end results. Madonna and Guy Oseary certainly know what they’re doing and they are doing it with panache. As will become more apparent over the coming months. Perhaps it’s not by the promo ‘rule book’. But we may well see their processes cropping up in next year’s ‘rule book’.
as i always say, time will tell. And Guy O has helped me with some great advice over the years I’ve known him
And most recently, pressed me to do an acoustic version of ‘Love Spent’. His idea. And has worked out beautifully!
I am THRILLED to see @LaurieMayer on the MDNA credits! Such beautiful writing on “Falling Free”
Jean Baptiste Kouame (Facebook)
the acoustic version of “Love Spent” is probably the most amazing/beautiful song I’ve ever been apart of in my entire career thus far. When you guys hear it I think the hairs on your skin will rise. Very very honored and proud!!! M sounds like an angel…
thk you all for the positive reviews of the new songs. I’m so humbled and thankful!!! It’s such an honor work with an icon, words can’t explain…
Chuuch me!!!! all hail the Queen!!!!
thx for all the “love spent” love!!!
I love the fact that Madonna fans don’t sleep lol…
They’re like me, we’re sleep when we’re dead.
Martin Solveig (@msolveig)
L.U.V. #lovespent and #gangbang bravo M & @WilliamOrbit
Benny Benassi (@BennyBenassi)
<3<3<3<3 Madonna drop's her latest single "Girl Gone Wild" on iTunes We gotta say that cover is soooooo HOT!!!!...
Mika (@mikasounds)
!! CHECK OUT the Madonna song [Gang Bang] I co wrote on with Will Orbit, its evolved since i first wrote it with Priscilla Renea
the madonna song is weird as fuck, underground & lyrically cool, its amazing & bizarre. i love it, she sounds so good singing words so harsh
I wrote it as bang bang… gang bang is more of a head fuck title i guess, there must be a reason, i could make one up…
Monte Pittman (@Monterrific)
@WilliamOrbit great catching up with you and EXCELLENT work on the new album! I can’t get enough of it. #MDNA=AlbumOfTheYear
Hardy Indiigo (@HardyIndiigo)
Really proud to be one of the producers on #Madonna #MDNA album.. Girls Gone Wild teaser is out!! #blessings #ii
Michael Anthony T (@MikeAnthonyTDC)
I can now OFFICIALLY scratch “work with Madonna” off my bucket list, definitely a surreal moment.
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!