Moment Factory is a new media and entertainment studio specialized in the conception and production of multimedia environments combining video, lighting, architecture, sound and special effects to create remarkable experiences.
After having collaborated with Madonna on the Super Bowl Half Time Show, Moment Factory is currently working on the MDNA World Tour, that will open on May 31st in Tel Aviv.
All details are top secret, but Julie Armstrong-Boileau, Moment Factory’s head of communication and branding, told Canadian website Canoe…
We’re all glad to continue a strong collaboration with Madonna. We can’t give any details and must keep everything a secret for the opening show in Tel Aviv.
Éric Fournier, executive producer at Moment Factory explains…
Madonna has very high standards. She works very hard and understands exactly how it all works on stage.
Here are some of Moment Factory’s latest creations…
Source: Canoe
Translation by Madonnarama
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