Today, Lady Gaga posted a letter to her fans to promote her perfume. She refers to the past year as “a challenge” that consisted of fights with her label, difficult directors who wanted to pigeonhole her, the end of friendships based on betrayal, “massive struggles with my body image” and “the incessant dragging of the most important single of my career in dead-beaten-horse-mud” — which seems to refer to Madonna’s “Born This Way” diss during interviews.
Read Gaga’s full letter to her Little Monsters and let us know what you think…
Today is a really happy day for me. The past year was a challenge, and I’m so happy to have my spirit back. I felt in chains at times. Whether is be the record label disagreeing with me on single choices, or directors who could only create an idea of “gaga” or what i’ve “done before” and not able to move forward, and there was also of course the incessant dragging of the most important single of my career in dead-beaten-horse-mud. Then there were all the personal moments. Betrayed by lifelong friends, mentors I’ve had for years suddenly taking advantage of me, and a massive struggles with my body image.
I’ve grown and left most of these things behind, the monsters of fame are very real. But I wanted to thank you for baring with me a little bit. Today’s film is what happens when there is love and respect amongst creatives, teams, management. This project was run solely by the HAUS OF GAGA, ATOM FACTORY, AND STEVEN KLEIN’S fantastic team. I am feeling blessed to have removed those from my life driven by money and luxury, its all about the art of it. I feel free today.
Thank you for always being there for me monsters.
I love you.LG
Source: LittleMonsters.com
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