On October 6th, 1982, Madonna released her very first single titled “Everybody”. The record’s sleeve may not have featured Madonna’s face, but the song soon became a huge club hit. October 6th 2012 will mark her 30th Anniversary in the entertainment world. The Material Girl has released many hit singles and number one albums through the years, each of them featuring Madonna on its cover. Time for us to celebrate this special anniversary and to pay tribute to her incredible career using her own work as source of inspiration!
Now, all you need to do is to pick your favourite Madonna single or album sleeve and to come up with your own sleeve face creation! You can stick to the original photo’s look and feel or make it even more fun by adding accessories and/or an unexpected background, the only limit being your imagination…
Once done, e-mail us your creation at [email protected] before 11:59pm EST on October 19th, 2012, using “MY MADONNA SLEEVE FACE” as your e-mail’s subject line.
Also, make sure to include the following info in the body of your message:
– Full Name:
– Mailing Address (including zip code and country):
– Phone Number:
Madonna will pick her favourite 10 photos, each of them being rewarded with one of the following exclusive fan packs:
Grand Prize #1: The “Touchdown Pack”, which includes
1 autographed Football helmet signed by Madonna right after her 2012 Super Bowl performance
1 pair of Golden Triangle tickets to one of the upcoming MDNA Tour shows
1 pair of Truth or Dare shoes, size and style of your choosing
1 Album Cover Lithographs Set
1 “Addicted To Sweat” Full DVD set
1 month supply of VitacocoGrand Prize #2: The “Celebration Pack”, which includes
1 autographed Football signed by Madonnaright after her 2012 Super Bowl performance
1 pair of Golden Triangle tickets to one of the upcoming MDNA Tour shows
1 pair of Truth or Dare shoes, size and style of your choosing
1 “Addicted To Sweat” Full DVD set
1 MDNA track jacket
1 month supply of VitacocoGrand Prize #3: The “Immaculate Pack”, which includes
1 autographed Football signed by Madonnaright after her 2012 Super Bowl performance
1 pair of Golden Triangle tickets to one of the upcoming MDNA Tour shows
1 Madonna studio album bundle
1 pair of Truth or Dare shoes, size and style of your choosing
1 “Addicted To Sweat” Full DVD set
1 copy of the “Truth or Dare” documentary on Blu-Ray
1 month supply of VitacocoPrizes #4 to #6: The “MDNA Pack”, which includes
1 Copy of the “MDNA” vinyl album
1 MDNA Hoodie
1 MDNA Tour Book
1 Madonna studio album bundle
1 pair of Truth or Dare shoes, size and style of your choosing
1 “Addicted To Sweat” Full DVD setPrizes #7 to #10: The “Sinners Pack”, which includes
1 Copy of the “MDNA” vinyl album
1 “I’M A SINNER” t-shirt
1 Madonna 2013 Calendar
1 copy of the “Truth or Dare” documentary on Blu-Ray
1 promotional “Truth or Dare by Madonna” scented candle
Source: Madonna.com
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!