It’s true that Danny Aiello was a little bit all over the place in this interview, but Craig, the producer of the show confirms:
He was joking, guys. When he said it was “terrible,” he was saying it “tongue in cheek.”
Danny Aiello who played Madonna’s father in the 1986 video “Papa Don’t Preach” was interviewed by radio station Fresh 102.7. Of course, they talked about Madonna.
Here’s a transcript by Madonnarama…
My daughter talked me into that, I didn’t want to do it, because I don’t do videos, but my daughter Stacy loved her and asked me to do it.
No, it was terrible [to work with Madonna]. I didn’t want to do it. Sean Penn asked me to do it, because Madonna had asked him. I didn’t know her. “Would you play her father?” he said. “I don’t do videos, I’m a serious actor.”
So I went home and I didn’t know who the hell Madonna was at the time, to be perfectly honest. Stacy said, “Daddy that’s Madonna… oh my god!” So I called up and I said that I’ll do it. They paid me $450, which I sent back to them, because I wanted to retain my ability to be an actor and say I’m an actor by not doing videos. So I said “Alright, but my daughter has to be permitted on set to take pictures and so forth.”
So she’s on the set, they agreed and my daughter thought that they were going to take pictures immediately. Madonna had turned her down and said “Not right now.” My daughter got so upset she hated her. She still loves her today.
Musically she’s fine.She hasn’t really changed much, except that I think that she was a better singer when she was sorta brand new. I think she became a little too organised, in a sort of raunchy way.
She was very nice to me, I suppose it was like a father/daughter relationship.
Listen to the interview at Fresh 102.7
Big thanks to Craig, the producer of the show!
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