Today, Madonna took some time off and made her first appearance on Reddit.
A lot of questions were asked… about the MDNA Tour DVD issues, the new album, the Harper’s Bazaar photoshoot, the Secret Project, religion and lots more.
Have a nice read!
Madonna: Hello Reddit! I’m excited to do this! Just finished working out, now I’m in front of the computer….ready for your questions…
You’re coming over for dinner. What the hell do I make?
Madonna: Make me a dirty martiniPharell Williams once said he suggested to Daft Punk that they should produce for you. Frankly, it would be the ultimate fucking collaboration, ever. Would you consider it?
Madonna: I would love to work with Daft Punk. Just waiting for them to return my callIs there a new album coming in 2014?
Madonna: there might be…my creative juices are flowing….Madonna do you ever think of writing an autobiography?
Madonna: yup. but i feel like i need to live more of my life. a short one is coming out in Harpers BazaarDid you heard about technical mastering issues on some “MDNA World Tour” DVD & Blu-Rays in Europe ?
Madonna: yes and im absolutely horrified. my label is looking into it…trying to get to the bottom of it. it might be a case of old technology not working with new technology. please be patient.
I spent 6 months editing and doing the sound mix for the DVD the last thing I want to hear is that the fans arent getting the fruits of my laborIs #secretproject your more ambitious project?
Madonna: its a very ambitious project because it deals with very controversial issues…both global and personal. im extremely passionate about it. it means more to me than anything i have ever done before. in one week it wont be a secret.
djayef: Madonna what are you going to do tonight?
Madonna: test the projection of secretprojectrevolution on a wallHi, M! I hope you’re doing well. What is the last dream you remember that you’re willing to share?
Madonna: Brad Pitt and I were living together and there was a small blonde child in the bed. Sorry Angelina, it was only a dream.Big fan and current University of Michigan student here. What is the craziest thing that has ever happened during one of your concerts?
Madonna: all the power went out in the middle of the show for an hour in a stadium in Cordoba. That was funMy love! I know many a gay man (including myself) have performed to one of your songs, but I must ask, when was the last time you saw a good drag show? Sending you a zillion kisses from Vancouver! XOXO
Madonna: every night of my concert in the golden triangleGood afternoon Queen, i’m from México, i want to ask you if you have ever think about doing a movie about Frida Kahlo?Also i want to ask if you’re gonna write a memoir at some point in your life? Thank you for everything you have done for LGBT, Israel, Syria and minorities.
Madonna: i would love to make a movie about Frida Kahlo but one was already madeMadonna, I heard you visited an amusement park in Helsinki, Finland while on MDNA tour there last year. How was it?
Madonna: i got really sick to my stomach. but the rides werent long enough. i felt cheated.Are you fan of reddit?
Madonna: HUGEThroughout your career you’ve taken a stand against homophobia, sexism, ageism etc. but what current issues drive you to voice your opinion creatively ?
Madonna: Censoring of artists, around the world. Censorship – for instance Pussy Riot.Where have you not yet traveled that you would like to?
Madonna: Egypt and an island off the coast of east Africa called LamuGood evening Madonna! Do you want us to ask intelligent questions?
Madonna: DuhIf you could describe the Harpers Bazaar photo shoot in one word what would it be ? 🙂
Madonna: quick and painlessMadonna, I’m trying to make a 2013 playlist, what is the song this year that you have playing on repeat nonstop? I could use the help. =]
Madonna: On of my favorites songs out right is “Oceans” by Jay Z and Frank OceanMadonna, what is the most embarrassing moment of your life?
Madonna: there’s so many. when i went out on stage and said hello to the wrong city. sleep deprivation.In your MDNA tour DVD you talk about how much you appreciate the love of your fans, and at the end of masterpiece i can see the emotion in your eyes. What do your fans mean to you? You mean so much to use. we really truly love you
Madonna: we exist because of one another so its circuitry its totally reciprocated.Welcome M! As W.E. was STUNNING, looking to direct another movie?
Madonna: yes thats next on my to-do list. direct a film.whats your favourite method of procrastination?
Madonna: plucking my eyebrowsNo questions. Just saying thanks for being so fucking badass.
Madonna: thanks for noticingI know you love soundtracks. Which ones have you been listening to recently?
Madonna: The soundtrack to The Skin I Live In.“American Life” was an unfairly maligned album and many of you fans rank it as one of your best. What do you think critics and casual listeners “didn’t get” about that album?
Madonna: because i dealt with alot of controversial issues in it. i criticized american politics, the entertainment business in hollywood..i was in an angry mood when i was making it. maybe that came across. but i was in an angry mood when i made my last album tooBig fan and current University of Michigan student here. What is the craziest thing that has ever happened during one of your concerts?erma-lien
Madonna: all the power went out in the middle of the show for an hour in a stadium in Cordoba. That was funHi Madonna, how do you calm down when you get angry? Love.
Madonna: i dont its a hot messWhen will you release a sequel to Sex? I believe we’ve waited long enough.
Madonna: probably never there is no sequel one time onlyWhich music video was your favorite to make?
Madonna: justify my love in parisHey M, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you enter on stage to a roaring crowd?
Madonna: what city am i in again? and then….breathe….Pussy Riot member Maria Alekhina has unfortunately been denied parole and a Russian news outlet’s headline “No Russian Feels Any Respect for Pussy Riot” is less than progressive. How important do you feel it is an artist’s duty to voice forth a statement of equity between such issues and do you feel it’s being used enough in the current year 2013?
Madonna: its essential its the artsts responsibility to reflect society and have the freedom to express themselvesHi Madonna! When is Blond Ambition Tour coming to DVD?
Madonna: when i can find the tapes in the archivesDo you believe in Astrology? What is your rising sign? Do you feel more your sun sign or moon sign or rising sign?
Madonna: i believe in the science of astrology i do not know my rising because you need to know your time of birth but my moon is in Virgo and i feel equally split down the middle 50% leo 50% virgoWhat is your favorite dessert?
Madonna: A lemon tart or the rose lycee macaroon cake from La DureeI love everything you do, and I love you of course. So do millions, as you know, and you have fans in all walks of life. What would you tell the ones who will probably never meet you and can’t ever afford to see you live?
Madonna: thats the great thing about making music and films. it reaches people you havent met yet. i can still connect with people thru my art.Hi Madonna. If you decide to write a book for women, what is the first subject that comes to your mind?
Madonna: dont give to a man what he doesnt give you firstWhy u do not have any pet at home?
Madonna: i have fish and some cockroachesAre you coming to the Hard Candy Fitness opening in Berlin? I wanna work out with u 😉
Madonna: yes, see you thereM why didn’t you sing Love Spent in São Paulo? We missed it a lot. You had to spend your luv on us.
Madonna: i think i cut it out because it was raining and i was on the edge of the stage naked and i wasnt feeling wellWhat is the quintessential Madonna album according to you?
Madonna: ray of lighthello God! Would you ever fight and talk about LGBT rights in Africa? We need you!
Madonna: of course and i have. I made a statement about the law in malawi for people being arrested and sent to jail for being gay.Whose idea was to re-invent the famous JPG corset?
Madonna: It was gaultiers idea to re-create the black patent leather cageMadonna I want to apologize for booing at your concert oct 16th 2008. You mentioned Obama and I booed . I have felt bad for years after. I think you are a wonderful person and an amazing artist. Thank you for inspiring me all these years.
Madonna: i forgive youCan you name one gay guy you wish you could turn straight?
Madonna: frank oceanhow can the planets affect our behavior? me and my sister were born the same day and we are very different
Madonna: the same year? are you twins? if you are not born the same year, its totally different. the planets the moon the suns the stars were all lined up in different ways. If you are twins you were born at different times.what mood are you in right now?
Madonna: feeling pulled in a million directionsWE ALL KNOW DETROIT IS A TOUGH CROWD!!! WE LOVE YOU DONT GIVE UP ON US!!! PLEASE KEEP COMING BACK!!! p.s. what did guy do with the photos of all the tattoos of you?
Madonna: i cant tell you, its x-ratedWhat should religion and politics do to help World PEACE?
Madonna: not get involved with one another. separate church and stateWhere should I put these hydrangeas?
Madonna: up your assWhere do u keep your award trophies?
Madonna: i dont, they are in my award closetwhy do you think people have such a hard time wrapping their head around everything you do? it seems like people are so confused by you.
Madonna: because i dont explain everything nor do i feel the need to.You have accomplished pretty much everything. What’s your proudest achievement as an artist?
Madonna: secretprojectrevolutionHi Madonna! Would you consider doing a full-on rock album?
Madonna: full-on noIn Die Another Day (love this song !) you say : “Sigmund Freud, analyse this”. Can you explain why ? You like his work ?
Madonna: actually im not a big fan of Sigmund Freud, it was meant to be ironic because i dont think everything can be analyzed i think he was too celebral and a misogynist. im a fan of carl jung.WILL YOU EVER COME TO INDIA ON TOUR?
Madonna: if i could find the right venue to play in
Hello Madonna, I was wondering what was it like to watch yourself during the MDNA movie screening in NYC? What were you thinking, what were you feeling? 🙂
Madonna: exhilarating and exhaustingMadonna is true that Rocco will release an album??
Madonna: he wishes! Just need to get him thru the 8th grade right now. get him to do his math homework!loveu Hi, Honestly how much pain you felt for the wound you received in the face on the show in Medellin?
Madonna: i felt no pain i had too much adrenaline pumping through my veins it was hours afterwardsWould you consider ever doing a small fan tour with less known songs (but very loved) like Skin, Falling Free, Time Stood Still etc for the real fans?
Madonna: sounds like fun – who is going to pay my overhead?what do I need to do to make you go on a date with me?
Madonna: send photoWhat is the best present you got for Your B-day?
Madonna: i got a bong in the shape of a penisWill you be my boo?
Madonna: yes ill be your booDid you get to do anything exciting in Pittsburgh, like visit the Warhol museum?
Madonna: no i wish i love Pittsburgh i didnt get outIf you would have a tattoo what would it be?
Madonna: if i knew what i wanted to have as a tattoo, i would have oneI go through a rough breakup after a 3 year relationship with my bf…what should I do to ease the pain?? Which of your songs should I play repeatedly???
Madonna: gang bangIf I twerk for you, would you twerk for me?
Madonna: send photoHave you ever considered going into politics?
Madonna: I have gone into politics. my work is political.Have you tried making out with the grills on?
Madonna: yup it worksDefine hate. Is having a difference of opinion considered hate nowadays?
Madonna: no having a different of opinion is right hate is intolerance hate is discrimination hate is when you think youre better than someone elseWhat comes to mind when I say Erotica?
Madonna: great recordAre you still horse riding/show jumping much?
Madonna: horse riding yes show jumping neverTheres something or someone that you miss?
Madonna: i miss free time and more sleepif you were a gay man, would you be a top or bottom
Madonna: i am a gay manHow did you get in to character for Evita? 🙂
Madonna: did a lot of research spent a lot of time in Argentina interviewing very old people that knew her learned how to tango read every book i could about herAre you bringing out any more fragrances /perfumes?
Madonna: dont get me started on that tired ass subjectIs your publicist or an intern typing everything for you? Be honest. This is still awesome. Thank you
Madonna: my housekeeper im vaccuming the housekeeper is typingWould you go back to school?
Madonna: if i had the time
school is fun you just get to learnWhat’s your favourite place in Europe (i.e. culture, people, food)? And, please don’t say France b/c your boo is French!
Madonna: my boo is not french, number one. and my favorite country in Europe is Italy.Do you have any plans to begin any new charities? If so, what?
Madonna: go to rayoflight.org ive started a lot of different projectsIf I invited you to come to Mexico to see Frida Kahlo’s house, would you come?
Madonna: ive seen it twice already but thanks for thinking of meI don’t really have any question for you. I love your music. Acknowledge me.
Madonna: send photoIn the song “I Dont Give A” are the lyrics “baby Jesus on the stairs…” or is it “baby Jesus understands”?? Please settle this bet for me. I love you.
Madonna: Baby jesus on the stairsIf you had to live on a stranded island with two other people for the rest of your life, what two people would you choose?
Madonna: I can’t leave my kids behind so there will have to be room for 4.Ray of Light album helped me come into my own in small town Nebraska, and know that there was love and acceptance in my future. So many of us have had similar experiences through your music. I can’t imagine what that must feel like for you. How often do you think about who your art is reaching?
Madonna: only when i hear comments like this from people do i think about it the rest of the time i only think of how i would like to explress myself i think about expression not resultsWould you ever wear a disguise and go to Walmart or some place ordinary people go?
Madonna: id just go to walmart and not wear a disguise.how long will you be on reddit for ?? I am a huge fan from pakistan ! Thanks for your efforts to spread education here !
Madonna: yes when secretproject comes please go to artforfreedom.com and share any story you might have its good to know my message is getting out thereWhat is your favorite thing to do when your having “me time”??
Madonna: pluck my eyebrowsWhat is it about Frida Kahlo that inspires you the most?
Madonna: that she was the subject of her art all of her work is a self portrait and yet she shared universal stories and feelings by sharing her personal story also she was a freedom fighter and she lived a controversial life and was a survivor so i admire her life story and art the way she lived her life as well as her artThe pleasures of life are food, sex, sleep, among other. I have three questions: What is your favorite food, your perfect sexual position and how many hours do you sleep a day?
Madonna: beg your pardonEver tried a ouija board?
Madonna: yeah when i was youngerWhat’s your favourite french movie?
Madonna: breathless la piscine last year at marienbadWhat does it mean to be reductive?
Madonna: look it up like i said i dont like to explain everythingWill you be my boo?
Madonna: send photoIf you would have a tattoo what would it be?
Madonna: send photoLast concert you went to?
Madonna: The Labeque Sisters and Kalakan in MentonWhich is the first song you’ve ever heard? (that you remember)
Madonna: something by Harry Belafonte because my mother was obssessed with him when i was a childAre you easily distracted? How do you cut out the “noise”? I struggle with this.
Madonna: so do i concentration staying focusedHi Madonna, years ago during an interview on Italian television, while answering a question about the relationship you have with your fans you said:”it’s like a love relationship, sometime they love me, sometime they hate me”. Is is still so?
Madonna: i dont remember saying that and if someones your fan i dont see where hate comes into the pictureWhat is the last thing you laughed about?
Madonna: the fact that i had a dream about brad pittWhat super power would you like to have and why?
Madonna: clone myself get more done that way sleep more work moreOMG Madonna I love you!!!!! <3 Have you concidered of studying anymore religions? Madonna: im studying the Quran
In W/E there is a place called Zabloshki. This word is not exist in russian! Just to let u know
Madonna: i didnt name it the name was already thereWhich famous woman would u want to kiss? 😉 luv
Madonna: dead or alive? send photowhat does Marlene dietrich means for you?
Madonna: she is the archetype of an iconic strong female equal pats masculine and feminineI love the guys in “Girl Gone Wild” how did you find them?
Madonna: i saw their clip on youtube they are called KazakyHi Madonna, A lot of your philanthropic work focus mainly on Malawi and the Middle East. Do you have plans of expanding the aids to other impoverished regions like Latin America?
Madonna: yes hopefully ray of light will expand globally.if you could talk to your 20-year-old self, what would you say?
Madonna: don’t take any of this personallyThe triangle brought so many of your fans together and also brought us closer to you…will you do another pit for your next tour??
Madonna: i think i need to change shapes. maybe a silver rectangle. rose gold circle.M I love the MDNA Tour DVD/Bluray cover and i like to know what was the concept used?
Madonna: thats me a photograph i took of myselfWhen r we going on a canoe ride??
Madonna: when you send me a canoeMadonna: thanks reddit. nice chatting with you. next time send photo. I want to start a Revolution of Love – are you with me? Then send people to artforfreedom.com
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!