Please note that the film will now be available for free download beginning September 24 at 9pm PST from http://bundles.bittorrent.com/madonna-revolution/
The original article continues below.
The right to free speech. The right to open expression. The right to access, and experience. We live in a world where basic freedoms are being deleted. As artists and engineers; as human beings, we have a choice. An obligation to stand against persecution. An obligation to stand up for openness.
Madonna’s new film, secretprojectrevolution, co-directed by Steven Klein, is a hard lens on human rights, circa 2013. The 17-minute film will go live in seven days on BitTorrent; launching Art For Freedom, an online initiative to further freedom of expression.
Madonna said…
My goal is to show by the example of secretprojectrevolution my creative commitment to inspire change in the world through artistic expression. I hope my film and other submissions to Art For Freedom will be a call-to-action and give people a place to voice their own creative expression to help fight oppression, intolerance and complacency.
Art For Freedom is a global digital initiative, led by Madonna and curated by VICE, designed to fuel free speech – to respond, address and protest persecution around the world. It is an online public art project encouraging the world to express their personal meaning of freedom and revolution, in the form of video, music, poetry, and photography. Public submissions will become part of the Art For Freedom platform: contributors can join the project by uploading original artwork or tagging original posts #artforfreedom.
BitTorrent was founded as a free speech tool. And BitTorrent Bundle is designed to enable Internet expression: putting the power to create and distribute content back into the hands of artists.
So, the revolution begins here. BitTorrent is releasing secretprojectrevolution as a full film download to the people of the Internet. The BitTorrent Bundle will include HD and 2K copies of the film, plus bonus content: an exclusive interview with Madonna, conducted by VICE’s Eddy Moretti, a message from Madonna, and trailers and stills from the shoot.
On September 24th, the BitTorrent Bundle will be available to all. Join the revolution.
The secretprojectrevolution Bundle
secretprojectrevolution: free download
secretprojectrevolution Trailer 1 [Video]
secretprojectrevolution Trailer 2 [Video]
secretprojectrevolution Trailer 3 [Video]
secretprojectrevolution Stills [Art]Enter your email to unlock the film:
secretprojectrevolution HD [Video]
secretprojectrevolution 2K [Video]
Madonna: The VICE Interview [Video]
Message from Madonna [Document]
Stay tuned for the full film.
Steven Klein commented…
This film operates on many levels. It examines our private prisons. It questions what we do, how we do it, and how we treat others. It questions our governments, and our collective thought patterns. Think about it – the power of art can lead to peace.
Guy Oseary stated…
BitTorrent and VICE are both innovative and forward thinking which is why we chose to partner with them on the launch of ‘Art for Freedom’ platform and the film “secretprojectrevolution.”
Eddy Moretti, Chief Creative Officer, VICE Media commented…
Madonna is making a bold move, putting herself out there to support those suffering under repressive regimes around the world. Art For Freedom comes from a place of real empathy and emotion. It’s a reflection of a world in crisis by an artist who has decided that apathy is not an option. In one discussion, Madonna told me that she wanted to start a ‘revolution of love.’ How can you argue with that?
Shahi Ghanem, Chief Strategy Officer for BitTorrent, Inc. shared…
The Internet drives creativity, democratizes information, and allows people to connect with one another. The new BitTorrent Bundle format captures this ideal by giving artists and publishers an entirely new, people-driven distribution tool that is limitless in quality and versatility – enabling them to connect with fans however and wherever they want. Using the Bundle format to help an iconic artist like Madonna share expression freely with the world is a perfect showcase for the technology and we’re thrilled to support her efforts.
About BitTorrent Bundle
BitTorrent Bundle is an Alpha project, made with and for the web’s creative community. Our mission is to help artists connect directly with fans, inside the content they share.
Each BitTorrent Bundle, like this one, created in partnership with Madonna and VICE, allows artists to distribute content to 170 million BitTorrent users. And each Bundle comes with a key. Fans can unlock artist content with an email address, or a donation. The idea is to make each song a storefront; and each file more valuable, each time it’s shared.
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!