“Valley of the Dolls” movie producers want Madonna as Helen Lawson
According to Naughty but Nice Rob, the producers of the “Valley of the Dolls” remake are lobbying hard to get Madonna to play the aging Broadway star Helen Lawson, a role intended for Judy Garland in the original movie.
Patty Duke, Sharon Tate, and Barbara Parkins starred in the original movie, the story of three women’s rise, fall and pill popping tirades (the pills were called “Dolls.”) The film was set in New York’s theatre world and Hollywood movie biz.
The “new” Valley of the Dolls, will have a decidedly different “spin” on the original with L.A.’s music business being a big part of the story, particularly with the Neely O’Hara character (Patty Duke) the up and coming star who makes it big and has a major fall from grace. One of the writers of the new VOTD is Paul Rudnick, who did the “First Wives Club” and “In and Out” (such a funny Kevin Kline movie!) There will be a dark comedy aspect to the film.
Poll: Best Super Bowl Moment
NewNowNext is looking for the best Super Bowl Moment!
Go vote for Madonna HERE!
New “Some Girls” remix by William Orbit
William Orbit just released a new remix of Madonna’s “Some Girls” on his Soundcloud.
Poll: Which GRAMMY Awards Performance Are You Most Excited For?
Billboard is currently hosting a poll to find out which Grammy Awards performance people are most excited for.
Go and vote HERE
Madonna Rumored To Be Playing Amnesty International Concert In Brooklyn
According to the Gothamist, a daily weblog covering New York city’s news stories Madonna will perform at the massive Amnesty International concert at Barclays Center on February 5th that will feature two members of Pussy Riot, who were just released from Russian prison camps last month.
Sophie Ellis-Bextor couldn’t stop listening to Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” album
In an interview with Robert Copsey for Digital Spy, Sophie Ellis-Bextor talked about the many artists who inspired her…
There are so many artists who inspired me while I was growing up, it’s far too difficult to pick one. Two albums I listened to a lot that immediately stand out are Madonna’s Like A Prayer and Michael Jackson’s Bad – I definitely grew up on both those albums and remember a time when I would play nothing else.
New items added to the Official Madonna Store
To start 2014, the official Madonnna store has added some fresh exclusive items, including a Revolution of Love zipped hoodie (a portion of the sale of this special design is going to support Madonna’s Ray Of Light Foundation), a limited edition white gold plated «M» charm necklace, and an Iconers Exclusive limited edition white gold plated MDNA charm necklace.
Check it out at the Official Madonna Store
Monte Pittman talks Madonna
To promote his new album The Power of Three, which has been release today, Monte Pittman gave an interview to Paul Robinson for The Moaning Times and talked about Madonna…
The Moaning Times: Monte can you tell us how you went from wanting to be a musician to supporting madonna on tour and what would you say to anyone who has a dream like yours?
Monte Pittman: I started giving her guitar lessons and from there she asked me to come on tour and play guitar for her. I would say to anyone who wants to do this that persistence is how a lot of people have done it. I’ve always said “it’s bad luck to turn down a gig”. Just because you may not like the music, you never know who you are going to meet in the process. Don’t give up and keep yourself versatile.
Capital Cities cover Madonna’s Holiday at New Year’s Rockin Eve 2014
L.U.V. MADONNA! (Jack’s 2014 Megamix / Juampius Videomix)
Dog dances to “4 Minutes” by Madonna
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!