During a live chat with the HuffingtonPost, Isabella Rossellini was asked about her feelings on Madonna’s Sex book, 22 years after its release.
Here’s a transcript by Madonnarama…
I love the photographer Steven Meisel. He’s one of the biggest photographers in fashion… just biggest photographer. I was delighted to be able to work with Steven and I was delighted to work with Madonna, because she’s a very interesting woman.
She selected the subject of sex, because she told me “Sex can be so many things. The same act can be very dark, it can be rape, it can be a crime and it can be very loving, the moment you conceive your children.”This range was very interesting for her to investigate with Steven.
I wanted to be a part of it when they asked me to be a part of it.When I saw the result of the book, I felt that it was a very beautiful photo, but it remained a little bit in the realm of fashion, of an aesthetic.
I think that maybe Madonna is too beautiful, too perfect.
If you see a businessman naked, it’s quite shocking, but if you see an athlete naked, it’s not so shocking. We’re used to see their body, maybe not their genitals, but the rest of the body.
It’s so perfect the body, that it becomes like an armor. You don’t really see the soul.
When you see a businessman or me, an older woman naked, there’s a vulnerability. You can see other things.
I thought that the book lacked that.
Madonna was too beautiful, too perfect to have that vulnerability or that sense of shock that a regular, more normal, not so professional fitted body could convey.
That was my only criticism.I still think the book is extraordinary.
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
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