Madonna’s manager Guy Oseary wanted to do a 15 minute Twitter Q&A about Madonna’s latest album “Rebel Heart”, but it went on for hours.
Here is a small overview…
– The second single has not been chosen
– The “Living for Love” video hasn’t been recorded yet and should be released in the first week of February
– “Ghosttown” might get its own video, but nothing decided yet.
– Original release date of the album was April 2015, but was changed to March 2015 due to the leaks
– Initially “Rebel Heart” was considered a double album, half Rebel + half Heart
– The album is almost done and will be promoted!
– The album will contain 19 full tracks, no interludes
– The album booklet may include the lyrics
– Nothing to report about the tour… yet
– Guy Oseary’s favourite track is Ghosttown (for now…)
– Guy Oseary thinks a new Madonna/Britney Spears collaboration would be great
– No Katy Perry collaboration planned
The full Q&A…
Q: Is there really going to be 19 tracks on the album?
A: yes. 19 tracks on the albumQ: March release?
A: the plan was to release the album late in April. Them with the leaks we decided for early march.Q: When can we expect the next video? LOVE the album!!!!!!
A: thank you. “Living for Love” video has not been shot yet. The single was supposed to come out valentines day week..Q: when is the first music video released
A: hope to have “Living for Love” video released for first week of February.Q: Will Madonna be doing any UK promo
A: yes. U.K. promo will happen. We had a plan for it. Now we need to put together a new plan.Q: which song is your favorite?
A: currently #GhosttownQ: what will be the first video?
A: first video will be for “Living for Love”Q: will u actually promote this album?
A: yes. This album will have promotion..Q: what about the demo song two steps behind me? it is for lady gaga?
A: that song is NOT about gaga or anyone in particular.Q: what about the demo song two steps behind me? it is for lady gaga?
A: the song is an unfinished demo she had no intention of finishing or releasing along with many others..Q: Hi Guy, I’m a bit tardy… Is there hope that you’ll find the person who stole the demos?
A: we are working hard to solve this crime.. @madonna feels extremely violated to have her unfinished work stolen and releasedQ: is there a 2015 tour in your plans?
A: a lot of tour questions from everyone. I don’t have anything to report regarding tour…….. Yet.Q: has the second single been chosen yet?
A: second single has not been chosenQ: We Want “Mtv Unplugged” with Madonna, anota aí <3 A: I would like that too. Maybe one day.
Q: will there be 19 songs or tracks that are interludes??
A: 19 full songs.Q: does @Madonna know her real fans aren’t behind the leaks
A: she’s knows.Q: are you proud of M?
A: I’m very proud of her. I’m loving the music. I listened to #Ghosttown all day today. Last week was all about #DevilPrayQ: You’re online and aware of all those leaks, and nothing has been done yet, I know many websites and forums where liks spread
A: doing what we can Oscar. This was a crime and we are dealing with itQ: Is Madonna ready to use more Twitter???
A: she’s an Instagram gal… But she will definitely talk to her fans here in the new year to answer many of your questions directlyQ: When will you start promoting the sigle? @guyoseary
A: in the new year. But we don’t have anything immediately planned. The leaks happened last Tuesday. We are rushing now.Q: Madonna will direct a new movie next year?
A: no directing movie next year… 2015 = All #RebelHeartQ: Madonna still hates Gaga?
A: She has NO ill will towards gaga. It’s nonsense She was listening to the Tony Bennett duet album last week and appreciating itQ: Are you living for love, Guy?
A: yes I am.Q: She was extremely upset with the leaks, but please tell me that she smiled when she saw the number one
A: she was happy about number 1 album on itunes global but unfortunately leaks of stolen music did not allow her to enjoy it..Q: Are you going to re-launch the album?
A: yes. We must launch in the new year. This wasn’t really a launch. We did our best under the circumstances. Thank you @InterscopeQ: I just want to express my sympathy to you & @Madonna. As I read your replies to this Q&A It’s really a bit heart breaking. #Leaks
A: thank youQ: we want another #AskMadonna Make this happen please
A: yes. That would be great in the new year.Q: Guy when will we get LFL video??
A: FebruaryQ: a lot of fans would love to have printed lyrics on the album booklet again, is that a possibility?
A: ok. Will work on itQ: The album is already completely finished?
A: almost finished. Needs a little more work in the new year. Almost doneQ: does madonna hate us little monsters? I’m a madonna and GAGA fan
A: it’s great that you support both artists. Why shouldn’t you?Q: Would love to see Madonna & Britney work together again?
A: yes. They are friends. It’s been a long time since they collaborated. It would be great #maverickfamilyQ: Has a director(s) for the #livingforlove video been selected yet & who is it??
A: a director has been selected.Q: Everyone I know loves to death Ghosttown including myself. Why is this not a single? In a movie soundtrack?
A: We didn’t know we were releasing any music until last week. #Ghosttown and the rest were to wait until late April..Q: Will @aliciakeys appear on the next video playing the piano?
A: unfortunately not, she’s having a baby. @aliciakeys lights up any place she appears. Love her ! #wearehere #maverickfamilyQ: THANKS for being so kind with us!
A: thank you.Q: can you help put an end to Madonna fans always sending hate towards Gaga pls x8
A: and you do the same with gaga fans. Everyone should support one another. “Music, makes the people, come together”…Q: I just want to thank her for posting so much fan artwork! I had the pleasure of having my drawing posted and am beyond grateful!
A: which one did you do? I love all the artwork the fans are doing. Really beautiful.Q: does Madonna like Lana Del Rey?
A: yes she does.Q: how was madonna reaction about all her songs leaking?
A: she was and still is devastated over the stolen unfinished music… We rushed released 6 songs.. We were not prepared.Q: as is the relationship of Madonna with Katy? they already thought about doing music together? :l
A: that would be great. Nothing yet.Q: Do you have any idea how many singles/videos will be released?
A: not sure how many. I’d love to see a video for #Ghosttown but nothing has been decided other than #livingforloveQ: Madonna is number 4 on Worldwide iTunes Album Chart
A: yes. Really amazing with no set up. We are VERY grateful. With no video no radio no promo it will go down… Relaunch in 2015.
Q: madonna and miley still friends? there may be some collaboration between the two?
A: they are close friends. And support one another. #maverickfamilyQ: Why was Rebel heart choosen like a Album’s name?????
A: initially it was considered to be a double album. Half Rebel + half Heart.Q: Will the released songs be available on other platforms? Besides iTunes.
A: yes it will.
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