Two weeks after Madonna complimented her on Australia’s Today show, Taylor Swift still can’t get over the fact that the Madonna actually listens to her music.
Access Hollywood’s Shaun Robinson interviewed Madonna first on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards…
Shaun Robinson: You also said some very nice things about Taylor Swift. Tell me about that.
Madonna: She writes some damn catchy pop songs. Can’t get them out of my head.
My favourite? [Shake it off] is a good one.
The one where she growls in the middle. She gets kind of crazy!
A few minutes later, she interviewed Taylor Swift and when she mentioned Madonna once more said some nice things about her, she kind of freaked out…
Shaun Robinson: I was interviewing Madonna a few minutes ago. She said some really nice things about you.
Taylor Swift: Stop, I will pass out! You can’t. Don’t be lying.
Shaun Robinson: She said you’re so talented. She loves you.
Taylor Swift: Oh my God, I’ve been so scared to meet her, because it means too much to me. When she first said something nice about me in the press a couple of weeks ago. I was like “It’s no way it’s real. It’s too good to be real.”
Here are both videos…
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