In a new interview for French magazine Snatch Diplo opens up about women, music, collaborations and Madonna…
Snatch: Was there any sexual tension between you and Madonna? Did she try to kiss you like she did with Drake?
Diplo: I truly felt bad for her after that Drake story. Madonna is sometimes sexy during her performances and I think that she wanted to do something sexy with Drake and just improvised. What he said afterwards, something about him hating it because she had so much make up on or whatever, made me feel bad for her. It was also tough on her.
She’s always been a woman who was sexy, genius and revolutionary at the same time. She has survived in this jungle for the past 30 years exploring every fucking music genre there is.She’s had a real impact in the whole world. For ever. She sold 300 million albums. I’m not trying to be her PR person here, she does it herself very well, but sometimes I think she should do it with a little more class. But at the same time, if she does that, nobody would pay attention to her.
It’s weird. People only pay attention when she does something crazy.
Snatch: What exactly happened in the studio with Madonna?
Diplo: Madonna came to my studio because her kids like my music. They’re really cool. She knew of course who I was and that I was pretty successful, but she can have any producer she wants. She pays good and her music will always be successful.
Snatch: But how is she in private, when she isn’t doing all that crazy stuff?
Diplo: She’s so fucking funny, she makes fun of everything. She lets me do what I want. Once I’m finished, during the final production, she’s very meticulous. She has this strong opinion that I really like.
When we were working together, there always was this special vibe, even a bit sexual. You know… a working relation between a man and a woman. It was fun, it was cool. She’s always very sexual. She’s Madonna… a woman who spent the last thirty years teaching the world how to be sexy.
Madonna is amazing and even when we won’t be working together anymore, we’ll still be good friends. My relationship with Madonna is just like the one I had with M.I.A or the one I’ll have with Sia. She takes care of me, took my son to school. She has done some real things for me. Whatever she asks me, I’ll do it. I believe in her music and I want to help her.
She’s my friend.
The thing that happened with Drake sucks. He knows her and asked her to join him on stage. Whatever happened, I’m sure kissing Madonna isn’t that disgusting. I even kiss my grandmother on New Year’s Day. It’s just like those unflattering BeyoncĂ© pictures during the Super Bowl… it’s the only thing people remember.
I still think Madonna’s performance with Drake was amazing.
Source: Snatch
Translation: Madonnarama
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