In his latest interview for Rolling Stone, Diplo once again stands up for Madonna and denounces the unfair treatment she gets, just because she’s Madonna…
Rolling Stone: You co-produced several songs on Madonna’s new one, including her new single. What do you make of the ageism she faces?
Diplo: She created the world we live in. It already sucks to be a woman in the music industry, but to be a boss woman is even harder. She sold out her tour in minutes, but no one seems to want her to succeed — “Madonna, we’ve been there, done that, now we’re about Kim Kardashian.” Her song “Ghosttown” was a guaranteed Number One for anybody else, but she didn’t get a fair shot. With “Bitch I’m Madonna,” everyone said there’s no way it will go anywhere, but I’m like, “Screw it, it represents you more than anything.”
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