For the promotion of Culture Club’s reunion tour, Boy George was interviewed by Between The Lines News and talked about various topics…
On the Madonna vs. Lady Gaga rivalry…
I’m not saying this to diss Madonna at all – I mean, Madonna doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone; she’s Madonna! – but I really felt all those comparisons were a bit stupid. Of course someone like Lady Gaga, who’s younger than Madonna, is gonna be influenced by Madonna. It’s a complete compliment. That’s how you have to view it. Whenever I see anybody working a look that I might’ve had back in the day – I’ve done it. Why do I need to get upset about it?
On pop culture…
There really aren’t many artists around or anybody that stands out. It’s a weird time for pop culture, and I suppose you can only measure current pop culture by what it was like when you were doing your thing. So, I’m always gonna measure it by what I’ve grown up with: David Bowie, Annie Lennox, Prince, Madonna… Of course I’m gonna measure it by that, and I don’t see any of that around at the moment. I mean, Gaga, Nicki Minaj and Rihanna – they’re working a bit of a hot look. More the girls.
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