Calling all Live Pass and Legacy members who are to attend Madonna’s #RebelHeartTour show in Las Vegas on October 24th!
On that same night, Madonna will host an official after show party at Marquee and wants for some of her Iconers to celebrate with her! Thanks to the Marquee team, we are happy to announce that 10 of you + the guest of their choice will get to join the party!!
For a chance to be part of this exclusive event, just share what you are to wear to the show with us:
Post a picture of you posing all geared up for the show and holding your Vegas tickets to your Twitter or Instagram before 11:30am EST on Thursday, October 22nd. Make sure to include your Icon Display name and the #RebelHeartTourParty and #MadonnaAtMarquee hashtags in your post. We’ll pick winners on a random basis and will e-mail them to confirm their prize.
– You must be a current Live Pass or Lifetime Legacy ICON member.
– You must be at least 21-years-old with Valid ID to enter the club.
– Entrants must take a photo of themselves, posing with the outfit they are to wear to the Las Vegas show and their Oct 24th tickets.
– Photos must be posted to your own Twitter or Instagram page.
– One entry per member.
– Your social post also must contain: your Icon DISPLAY NAME (verify on your profile page!), and the hashtags: #RebelHeartTourParty and #MadonnaAtMarquee.
– Finalists will be selected on a random basis.
– Each qualified winner will receive 2 passes to the Madonna after show party to take place at Marquee on October 24, 2015.
– Qualified winners will be provided details to collect their passes.
– This is a passes-only promotion. Tickets to the Las Vegas show, Travel, parking and accommodations are not included and are the responsibility of each winner.
Good luck to you all!
The Icon team
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!