Archive: Madonna on Social Media – All the pictures and videos!
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Archive: Madonna on Social Media – All the pictures and videos!

3 January 2015
Basquiat! Yes anoher #rebelheart !! Another person i look up to and admire. None of these #rebelhearts are perfect they are human and come from all walks of life but all have one thing in common. All Freedom Fighters! All Brave! And all have inspired me as an Artist and a Human. revolutionoflove #artforfreedom #livingforlove #rebelheart

Yes Princess Diana was. #rebelheart! Anyone who fights for freedom is a #rebelheart

Being Destructive isn’t brave……you couldn’t say it to my face.. #joanofarc #rebelheart

Again thanks to my fans for creating this beautiful ART! This is the Revolution of Love I’ve been talking about! RESPECT! We should all aspire to be #rebelhearts

I would like to thank all my fans for recreating my album cover with the Rebel Heart ribbon on the faces of so many Great Hero’s. It shows that you are also celebrating and in admiration of these great freedom fighters! When I repost these images i am saying YES! These people are all Rebel Hearts in one way or another from Martin Luther King to Jesus to Nelson Mandela to John Lennon. YES! Lets celebrate them! The world needs more people like them. I hope to one day accomplish. 1 100th of what these Rebel Hearts have accomplished. As I Said in a previous post “I walk in the footsteps of Giants” and i will continue to do so G*D willing. They are my guiding light. #rebelheart #livingforlove

Let’s Just Hold onto each other! #ghostown #rebelheart

Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!

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