20 September 2014
Big Sean hooked me up! Werk big Sean Werk Adidas Werk Bitch!
Nothing can stop the Sex Boyzzzzzz! Aka Dahi and Blood Diamonds. #iconic #Sex #trustnobitch
Ready for the weekend! #bitchery. #raycaesar
19 September 2014
Poppin Bottles……See for yourself in my new calendar on madonna.com! Pre order now! #bitchimmadonna
18 September 2014
#banda getting ready to audition for his mom! #livingforlove
17 September 2014
Goin In! With DJ Dahi…….and a little help from Lil Buck! #FFO #fuckyousaying
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!