9 April 2014
If you don’t have anything nice to say you’re going to get a spanking! #karma #paybackisabitch #artforfreedom
The Speed Sisters are fighting for freedom in Palestine! Donate and help the first female racing team in the Middle East finish there film and get their story out! http://donate.speedsisters.tv. #artforfreedom #revolutionoflove #rebelheart
Feeling A little Butch today! The Girl needs to sleep! #rebelheart #artforfreedom #revolutionoflove
7 April 2014
Lola as a French Maid in “A Flea in her Ear”! Last show tonight at La Guardia! Amazing talent! Amazing production! Im so proud! #rebelheart #artforfreedom
Mercy James and Humaira dream about girls being able to go to school everywhere! Knowledge is Power! #revolutionoflove #rebelheart #artforfreedom
Word Fascist please poop somewhere else! #artforfreedom. #rebelheart #revolutionoflove
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!