9 February 2014
Yes i support Pussy Riot. Yes i wear grilz. Yes i believe that Jesus Muhammed Moses and Buddha were all prophets! YES! Im not sorry! Im not your Bitch dont hang your shit on me. ……,,……#artforfreedom #revolutionoflove
7 February 2014
Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart. If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind. #revolutionoflove #artforfreedom
6 February 2014
Lets all remember the message of Jesus ! Love your neighbor as yourself! #revolutionoflove #artforfreedom
Pussy Riot is free at last! Can i get a Hell Yeah! #revolutionoflove #artforfreedom
5 February 2014
She’s done for the day! Bath or Shower? #MDNASKIN
4 February 2014
More Ray Caesar! Some days you just don’t want to get out of bed! #the new moon of Pisces is always a challenge!
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