23 January 2014
The learning tree that students used to sit under to learn in Mkoko Village! #raisingmalawi #revolutionoflove
The new School in Mkoko where children can learn thanks to Build on and Raising Malawi! #rayoflight .org #revolutionoflove
22 January 2014
Mercy James gets birthday love from her sister! #revolutionoflove
Happy Birthday Mercy James ! 8 is Great! #love 4 ever
Dr, Borgstein after removing tumor from a young girls liver! Saving kids lives everyday. Help us build a pediatric I. C. U. At Queen Elizabeth Hospital. www. rayoflight.org #revolutionoflove
Dr. Borgstein (my hero) with his new trainee’s Laura and Tiya. At Queen Elizabeth hospital in Blantyre. Thanks to Raising Malawi And all generous donations to www,rayoflight.org #revolutionoflove
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!