25 November 2013
Sunset in Haiti. This is Heaven!
In the magnificent hospital Paul Farmer has built in Mirebalais! Revolution of Love in Haiti
Walking threw Haitis biggest slums #jphro
Kids learning in temporary school thanks to @JP hro @seanpenn
Haiti rides up with the support of @jphro and @seanpenn
Still life of shoes in Petionville Camp in Haiti
A rare and precious site in Haiti
#madewithstudio. Giving ThAnks everyday!
22 November 2013
Check out JP Gaultier retrospective in Brooklyn! Another great artist I’ve had the privilege to work with. #artforfreedom.com
#madewithstudio we need to take care and value ART! #artforfreedom.com
21 November 2013
When Art and Spirit collides Magic happens! #artforfreedom.com
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!