3 November 2013
Working the pole! More Sun-shine!
#revolutionoflove continues! Thanks to the Palestine Fair Trade association we’re promoting Peace in Palestine by giving women loans to start there own business! Here is how you can HELP: http://bit.ly/1gfmJSu Are you with me?
Son-shine is everywhere!
31 October 2013
11 Human Rights workshops held in Afghanistan thanks to AIL to encourage women to stand up and know there rights and most of all to encourage Peace! #rayoflight.org # artforfreedom.com
It’s good to read signs. #artforfreedom.com
30 October 2013
You need to listen when a woman speaks! Skye Cabrera check her out this week on #artforfredom.com
Read this and share! #artforfreedom.com
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!