12 April 2013
Hanging out with women that care for the kids at the Orphan care center I built in Namatete. President Banda come and visit. You won’t find any red carpet. Just happy grateful people. They have electricity now.
12 April 2013
Here is my son teaching break dance to orphans at Home Of Hope on the porch of a dormitory I built. We call this House of Breakdance ! I don’t see any red carpets here!
11 April 2013
The Revolution of Love starts with Good actions not Evil Tongue!
11 April 2013
This is Edna. A 55 year old woman who just learned to read and write. She is dancing because her granddaughter is able to attend one of the schools we built.
11 April 2013
Here I am standing in front of one of 10 schools I built with Build On in Malawi! Lies have no legs. Only the truth can stand!
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