Cyndi Lauper gave an interview to the Daily Mail where she discussed Madonna and her ‘sister freak’ Lady Gaga.
When the interviewer mentions that Madonna is (supposedly) having a tough time at the moment – “custody battles, erratic shows, flagging sales” – Cindy Lauper cuts her short…
Oh, me and Madonna!
Poor thing, will you leave her alone?
She’s great. She’s doing great. She always did great.
We were like apples and oranges.
I always hated it when they pitted us together. I never felt in competition, except when the press did that. They’d say I was more talented than her. Well, maybe at some things. Sisterhood is a powerful thing, and everybody influences everybody else.
If we don’t, why are we on the planet?
In any case, I feel greater kinship to outliers like David Bowie, Boy George and Lady Gaga.
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