Madonna criticized Whitney Houston and Sharon Stone in a personal and handwritten letter addressed to ‘J’. The letter seems to have been written in the beginning of 1993 when Whitney Houston’s single “I Will Always Love You” was topping the charts and after the release of “Body of Evidence” where critics often compared Madonna’s performance to Sharon stone.
The letter, which will go up for auction on 19 July, was provided by Darlene Lutz, Madonna’s art consultant who was also a long-time personal friend. It supposedly was intended for actor John Enos, whom Madonna briefly dated.
Sharon Stone wrote the following on Facebook…
Dear Madonna,
First, I think it’s absurd that anyone is publishing your private letters. Therefore; I publish publicly.
Know that I am your friend. I have wished to be a rock star in some private moments… have felt as mediocre as you described. We know, as only those who have survived so long that owning our own mediocrity is the only way to own our own strengths; to become all that we both have become. I love and adore you; won’t be pitted against you by any invasion of our personal journeys.
The actual segment from Madonna’s original letter…
Now I have made so many people angry that I’m being punished and basically made to be quiet and sit in a corner. While other less interesting & exciting people are reaping the benefits of the roads I’ve paved. Maybe this is what black people felt like when Elvis Presley got huge. It’s so unequivocally frustrating to read that Whitney Houston has the music career I wish I had and Sharon Stone has the film career I’ll never have. Not because I want to be these women because I’d rather die but they’re so horribly mediocre and they’re always being held up as paragons of virtue and some sort of measuring stick to humiliate me. Everything I do is so original and unique and I put so much of myself into it like my book and my record and it’s only brought me heartache and pain and I don’t think I can play the game to be accepted. I’m too intelligent. I hone too much pride.
The full letter…
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