Madonna is in full promo mode for MDNA Skin’s new Onyx Black Beauty Roller and gave an exclusive interview to WWD.
Some fans will be happy to hear that she also talked about the new album!
Usually what Steven and I do is connected to my music or something artistic that I’ve done. I wanted to work with him because I wanted to present the skin-care line and the beauty roller as a work of art, not just a gadget.
I’ve considered this skin-care line to be not gender-specific. I think men like it just as much as women. I would like to create some very specific products for men in the future. I do see that happening ‘cause I know a lot of men like the skin-care line, so that’s definitely in the future.
In my opinion, it’s just sexist to say only women should take care of themselves. Men need to look good, too.
I’m finishing my record, which I’m going to release next year. In between rose mist spray and serums, I’m actually making music. Can’t quit my day job.
Madame X is available in Box Set, CD, Vinyl and Cassette!
Get your copy HERE!