7 janvier 2018
Mood……….,,,,,,,,,Show Girl for hire! #nottired . #ready @moschino i hope this costume makes tons of $$$ @jphro event tonight!! With @sofisia7 performing. In it! . Good Luck Sean! you both! #family #friends #haiti #life #love
5 janvier 2018
Its Snowing like crazy………….Mambo Doesn’t want to get dressed. #lazy #notforsale
3 January 2018
Oh Wait! What was my New Years Resolution? …………………..Oh Yeah……To Give many less F**ks about what people think! #thinkforyourself #dontbeasheep #thecheesestandsalone
2 janvier 2018
2 Atomic Blondes! = FUN! @sofisia7 #friends #fun #2018 #inspiration #life #love
Sitting between Steven Klein and Kieth Haring!! Not a bad way to start 2018! #friends #art #inspiration #life #love