26 décembre 2017
X-mas Spaghetti………………to end a perfect Day!! Mambo is Happy! #cacioepepe #yum #pasta #family #friends #food #fun #love
First X-Mas!! For Stella and Estere!! 2 Beautiful Gifts I received! #blessed #grateful #family #love
Happy Holidays From the Ciccone Youth. Love and Gratitude to Everyone we Have ever Loved, and will continue. To Love!! #family #together #happiness. #blessed #life #love
25 décembre 2017
Hat Game On………….
21 décembre 2017
Mambo giving Combat Cowgirl. Real-ness ! breaking in my @moschino parka. #combat #realness #cowgirl #style
14 décembre 2017
I Love you All! Thank you for your kind words, encouragement and support!! Happy Holidays!!!! Love yourself Love your skin